
Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Warzone Atlanta Battle Report - Jarl Clem

Jarl Clem here with my War Zone Atlanta 2017 Battle Report for everyone!
I have been playing now for about 2 years, and I have been fortunate to travel to some great events with some great friends. That being said I believe that I have more fun at WZA than any other event (ATC is a very close second)

On to the report.

Round 1: Win 31 - 6
Played against Shawn Phippen from Team Bird Dog out of South Georgia. He was playing the big three. Mortarion, Magnus, and Aetaos’Rau’Keres (aka Alphabet Turkey). He went first and came straight for me. Aetaos’Rau’Keres has a 60’ 2d6 shooting attack that took Magnus down to 3 wounds remaining! I was starting to think this would not be so good. He did make a fatal mistake and moved him way in front. I was able to get some serious smite damage on him. I then charged him with Mortarion and two daemon princes. I removed his invulnerable save with “Death Hex” got him down to 3 wounds. On his 2nd turn Aetaos’Rau’Keres ran for his life, but still shot Magnus to finish off his 3 wounds. He moved Magnus and Mortarion in to block and do some serious damage. It was interesting when each of us had a Mortarion and working through the 1- toughness, and his mortal wound ability at the beginning of each fight phase. He was not able to deal much damage to me from bad rolls. After that I was able to capitalize big time. On my 2nd turn I was able to get Magnus and Mortarion down to almost nothing before finishing them both off in turn three. Mortarion then went and killed Aetaos’Rau’Keres to seal the game.

Round 2: Loss 12 – 25
Round 2 I had to play against Mike Sanchez, and his Imperial Guard. The mission consisted of three relic objectives that we had to move towards our opponent’s board edge. As always I love to hate playing Mike. He is still my kryptonite. This round was after lunch and the adult beverage intake had increased dramatically. It was a back and forth I kill stuff / then he kill stuff kind of game. Highlight was Mortarion making about 50 saves during the match. In the end he just had too many bodies for me to deal with. I had one relic, he had one relic and the third was the goal we were both trying for. And with objective secured rules, his one infantry guy enabled him to have control of the objective at the end of turn 5. As always when I need the game to go to turn 6 so Magnus can slap some folks around, it ends with a roll of a 1. I like to say he only beat me because the game ended in turn 5, but I am sure that even if we would have continued, I would not be able to defeat my kryptonite.

Round 3: Loss 13 – 27

The last game of day one was against Christopher Taylor the second GCWA player I had to play. Remember when I said that adult beverage intake had increased in round 2? Well the 3 match was actually very difficult to play. And I do not recall a lot from this game, but what I do is as follows. Magnus and Mortarion died from 1,000,000 Eldar shots. Then the Avatar teleported around and killed everything else. Pooka is a solid player and Eldar is scary good. As the codex is played with more, I have no doubt they will reign supreme again.
Well that was the end of Day one. I did feel kind of down on myself (after I sobered up) for going 1-2 after such a solid win in the first round. Both games were against great guys and I got battle points in both games. A lot of us then proceeded to go eat dinner and enjoy the rest of the night and watch some college football.

Round 4 Loss 15 - 18
Round 4 was against Fabio Van der Merwe. The mission had me at a major disadvantage going into the round with kill points way in his favor. My list was much more powerful that his and an interesting match. This was another game that would have possibly have gone my way if we went to turn 6. I made a bad mistake in turn 3 that sent me down a path I could not recover from in 5 turns. He was shooting the crap out of my troops and just raking up kill points. I decided to grab the relic and go hide out of range. Well after doing math it would not make a difference at that point if the game ended due to kill points. The only way I could win was kill all of his units. I then moved back up and almost did this. Magnus did what he normally does and just kill everything. In the end though it was another loss on the weekend. Really fun game though!

Round 5 Loss 16 – 27
Round 5 was against Clark Welch with his Eldar list. It was another really bad match for me. His troops again sent 1,000,000 shots into Magnus and Mortarion and they both died before the end of turn two. I tried to play objectives, but he has way to much firepower to handle. In the end he was able to win easily, but I took a bunch of those space elves to the warp with me.

In the end I had 87 Battle Points and went 1 – 4. This put me in 57th ranking that. I learned it definitely pays to work as hard as possible to earn points. Painting score I was 5 points off from max score and I was picked as one of the 6 tied for best sportsmanship (which I was really surprised on) Looks like my final ranking in the event was 15th overall, but personally I look at the 57th ran

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