The Fenris Report - 05 August 2017
Today I am going to talk about my current views for Space Wolves and also a preview of what I am going to play this weekend at our upcoming event HUBCON in Hattiesburg, MS.
First off I want to take a look at the Sons of Russ now in 8thedition. Overall I think they are OK. Some good, some bad, and some I can’t decide.
The Good…
• Logan Grimnar is actually relevant. Coming in at a very reasonable 190 point, he has re-roll all hits buff, and wolf guard units auto pass moral test within 6” of him. Walking around in terminator armor keeps his mobility pretty bad, but makes him tough as nails. And he can take on about anything in close combat with his axe usable either one-handed for most enemies, but two-handed for high HP enemies.
• Grey Hunters. As basic troop choices go, GHs are solid. 70 points base, standard Space Marine load out except the all-important note that they also carry a chainsword. This gives them that extra attack in close combat that I expect out of my wolves.
• Wolf Guard. Probably the MVPs. 80 points base, EVERYONE CAN TAKE A COMBI-WEAPON, and a chainsword. For a solid 180 points you can have 5 killers with combi-plasma guns, Jump-packs, and chainswords. Add Logan to that on a deep strike can be nasty.
The Bad…
• Fenrisian Wolves…. What is everyone going to do with all the puppies??? In 7th edition these guys were almost unbeatable in mass and buffed with Azrael cheese. At 7 points a model, it’s a complete waste of paint and table space to bring these guys. Hopefully codex can do something for them, cause who doesn’t like wolves?
• Lone Wolf… I mean yeah, it’s a fluff thing that the last guy in his squad is going to go play by himself, but in the game I don’t get it. There is probably a way to make a cheesy list with the character rule and who can be targeted, but I am not a fan.
• Wulfen… Compared to 7th edition, wulfen took a huge beating. Gone are the days off putting a unit on the board, and getting a warm feeling knowing my opponent just crapped his britches. I still feel like the edition is so new that a residual sphincter factor happens today, but they are just not the same close combat monster of the past. I mean yeah they can still bring the heat, and maybe they are good with their buffs, just not enough table time for me, and not willing to make the time currently
• Thunderwolf Calvary… same as the Wulfen, the 7th edition close combat power house took a dive. Getting 20 S10 AP2 attacks on the charge would kill almost anything. I know I should not compare the editions but it is hard not to with both of these units. With each seeing at least half of their attacks taken away from them, it kind of hurts. That being said at 3 wounds each… I am willing to give these guys a shot, and plan on trying to work them into some matches.
Now to the list building… I have decided that this weekend I am going to play my wolves at HUBCON (even though I should probably play my daemons for GT prep) Since I am sitting at #7 overall SW player in ITC standings, and #1 South Region SW player in ITC standings (all from 7th edition play) I need to keep up my “reputation”.
I am going to start with a core SW Battalion of about 1000 points, then use the other 1000 points to experiment with.
The Core:
HQ – Logan Grimnar 190 points
HQ – Arjac Rockfist 140 points
TR – Grey Hunters x3 units (bolters, chainswords) 70 points each
EL – Wolf Guard x3 units (Jump packs, combi-plasmas, chainswords) 180 points each
• The Battalion has one purpose… deep strike and kill everything. So with Logan and Arjac buffing 3 wolf guard units I get if in rapid fire range, 30 bolter shots, 30 plasma shots (re-roll all to hits & 1s to wound). Then is CC I have the possibility of having 4 attacks each with their chainswords and Ajac buff.
• Yes this is a glass canon, but by God it is gonna hurt when it hits you.
Now I am torn on the other half of the army and can be flexible with what I play.
Here is what I am going to try for HUBCON this weekend.
Spearhead Det – IG
HQ – Lord Commissar
TR – x25 Conscripts
HS – x3 Quad launchers
Spearhead Det – SW
HQ – Bjorn, the Fell Handed
HS – x3 Rapier Quad Launchers
My thoughts is that my Renegade quad launchers have been baller with the 4d6 shots each. I am going to try some Rapier Quad launchers as well. Slightly different with 4d3 shots but can direct fire as well. Also want to see if Bjorn is worth the 250 points he cost.
Until next time,
Jarl C
P.S. Keeping spam mailing GW for Russ to be the next Primarchrelease!
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